Fourth project meeting in Kosice, Slovakia

The 4th project meeting of AuToMa project, “Automation, Technology transfer and Managerial practices for the growth of SMEs, a better employability and the promotion of the entrepreneurship“, was held on 10-11.05.2018 in Kosice, Slovakia. It was hosted by the Slovak partner - TUKE. There were a total of 10 participants present at the meeting.

During the two-day meeting, an overview of the feedback received by the Italian national agency after the monitoring check was presented. It was concluded that all comments were quite positive. There were some recommendations for improvement of the developed outputs and a plan for immediate action was developed by the partnership. Partners agreed that all modules should be ready for translation and uploaded in the project repository by the end of the summer, 2018. A distribution of the modules for review per partner was also conducted during the meeting. A special emphasis was put on the methodology for E 1, 2, 3 and 4 AuToMa prototype workshops which were scheduled to take place in the beginning of autumn, 2018 in all partner countries.

As a conclusion, it can be stated that the fourth project meeting shows the growth of the AuToMa project implementation. In comparison with the previous meetings, the discussion between partners came to an end in advance which can be considered a proof for a productive collaboration. All of the ideas and comments shared between partners were clear judging by the generally positive feedback given to all evaluation questions spread at the end of the meeting. Thus, it can be summarized that the meeting was able to achieve its goals.


The next project meeting is scheduled for November, 2018 and will be hosted by PIAP in Warsaw, Poland.


You can find more information about the project on AuToMa website: