Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Technical University of Kosice has 9 faculties, around 16 000 full-time undergraduate students, almost 900 teachers and the same number of research and administrative staff. TUKE caters for a wide range of educational needs not only in the East-Slovak region, but throughout Slovakia, in many specializations it is the only centre of education and research in this area. TUKE closely cooperates with other universities and with industrial organizations throughout the region and the Slovak Republic. Department of Robotics at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is focused on research and development in field of automation, robotics, production systems, machine maintenance, diagnostics and industrial design. Department of Robotics has extensive experience with coordination and cooperation in national and international projects such as LdV, Erasmus projects and Structural Funds. Department regularly organizes a conference ROBTEP, where professionals from all areas of robotics discuss latest development. Department of Robotics have several robots as industrial robot MOTOMAN SDA10F, OTC robot, SCARA robot, parallel robot ABB etc. Department is also working closely with many engineering companies to develop a variety of innovative solutions in the field of robotics and automation. Through this collaboration may declare huge interest of Slovak companies of robotic and automated systems, as confirmed by the fact that 90% of theses at the department are the solution to the requirements of companies such as Tesla Stropkov, MANEX Kosice, MIA Engineering Dubnica nad Váhom, Vipo Partizánske and many others.
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