Join the AuToMa Final Conference in Rome, Italy!

If you are interested in automation, technology transfer and innovative managerial practices the AuToMa Final Conference is for you! It will be held on March 29, 2019 in Rome Italy and hosted by LUISS. Come and join us in celebrating the successful implementation of the project while being introduced to the developed project outputs!

You can find more details about the conference topics in the attached agenda. Do not miss the opportunity to hear the latest developments in the sphere of robotics, automation in manufacturing and management methods in SMEs and how AuToMa produced results can be utilized to help you gain initial competences in the abovementioned fields, improve your qualification or to requalify, to start a new business venture or to aid you in refining and updating your learning curricula! Confirm your participation until 26.03.2019 by contacting Prof. Nunzio Casalino from LUISS University at!

Conference agenda

We hope to see you there!